What to Expect
There would be an initial, assessment session so that we could meet one another, for you to tell me what brings you to counselling and what you would want to get out of working together. I would ask some questions to get a better understanding of where you are at in your life and assess how we would work together. You may have some questions for me, or things you would like to be clarified. This is a full length session, 50 minutes, to ensure that there is adequate time to talk about some things which might be difficult in a safe, holding environment. There is absolutely no obligation to continue if you decide either that we wouldn't be a good fit, or counselling isn't for you at this time.
If you did continue, we would generally meet at the same time each week. This could either be on an open-ended basis, or for a set number of sessions at which we can review and recontract, or end our work together. Sessions last for 50 minutes.
Initial, no obligation assessment session: £55
Ongoing sessions: Weekday slot are £55
Evening slots are £60
If I am on holiday: No cost
Cancellation with less than 48 hours notice: Full fee payable.
Concessionary fees: A set number of my sessions are designated low-cost, do ask if any of the slots are currently available if you need a reduced fee.